Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Lord Closes a Door & Will Open a Window!

Well, a few days ago I got the long awaited news. I heard from AMOR Projects. The project was not approved by the local Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) conference in Peru and therefore Kristin Eszler, Jeremy Meyer, Mindy Joshnick, Travis Bischof and I  will not get insurance through the North American Division of SDA's. Which means we would have to go independently and without the benefit of getting our loans deferred. Needless to say, I was bummed and I know everyone else was as well.

It is clear God has closed a door and now I am waiting for a gleam of hope, a window of opportunity to shine through from the Lord. Kristin Eszler and I have been talking on the phone periodically between work to encourage each other and talk of what to do now. 

Yesterday I read an email Kevin Attride sent to all 100 plus of us future student missionaries. In it he said, "the Lord inspired me to write you" and then continued to give us encouragement and urged us to pray for one another and especially for those of us that can no longer go to Peru through AMOR Projects.  I really appreciated that email and feel uplifted. Thanks, Kevin. It was neat to receive replies from other various SM's with their words of hope as well.

It is funny that now I know I will not be going to Peru with AMOR Projects that I realize more fully how much my heart was set on going! Yet, I know that Jesus has a master plan for each of our lives! "My ways are not your ways, says the Lord" and in Jerimiah 29:11, that wonderful verse I am sure we all know; "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord...plans to give you a future and a hope." 

I need to keep on trusting in the Lord to carry me through, for everything happens for a reason. Times like these, calls for more patience and time spent on ones knees trusting the Master Life Planner.


Caitlin said...

Dear Linda,

I'm glad I found your blog! It will be a good way to keep in touch!

I'm sorry to hear that you guys can't go out to Peru... It must be really disappointing. I will keep you in my prayers.

miss you!
Love you lots!

Phoebe said...

Linda dear!

I'm so sorry to hear that you are not able to go to Peru! I almost understand, because I have been waiting all this time to hear about Thailand and I still don't know. We are supposed to leave in less than a month, and we have not started working on our visas or plane tickets or anything! I know that God is working and that He has a back-up plan for you!

Keep up the faith and prayers, girl. I'm praying for you!

Jeremiah 33:3 says: "Call unto me, and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." God has big plans for you! He is in charge!

Phoebe said...

P.S. I'm so glad I found you! I just got a blog last week. :D Keep in touch!

Kristin said...

Linda! I'm glad I found your blog. I've been praying for all of you who were supposed to go with AMOR. I know it must be disappointing :(

But I really believe that if God called you, He will provide a place! I'll be waiting to see how God works for you :)

Kevin Attride said...

Hey Linda,

I just found your blog. Funny. I guess you never told me that you had one. mine is kattride dot blogspot dot com. i read it and realized that you never told people that you had accepted the call from OCI and Peru Projects or that you were leaving. I thought about trying to publish something for you but didn't really want to hack into your account. thank you for responding to my email, or rather, mine email from the Lord. i'm glad that He was able to touch you through me. If anyone is reading this, i'll give you a small update on Linda.

Linda has accepted a call to Peru Projects (wait for the new website in Oct. at peruprojects.org) through OCI. She and Kristen Eszler, another Southern RN, arrived about a week and a half ago. After about three or four days at the air base, they both left for the medical launch boat. From there, they will travel up and down the Ucayali and Amazon rivers setting up bush clinics to help and treat locals. Others on the launch also do minor evangelics meetings if I am not mistaken. They will be on the launch for three months before they return. Both of them need your prayers because neither of them speaks Spanish well, and no one on the launch speaks English. Remember to keep them in your prayers. If you would like to keep up with the mission and linda, you can follow my daily blog at kattride dot blogspot dot com. God bless.

I'm going to sign off Linda. I am always praying for you. Take care and may the Lord continue to boldly work through you!

in His service,
Kevin Attride