Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life Back in the States!

It's about time I say I'm alive and well and back in the states.Peru was absolutely wonderful! I am so glad I was able to go and live 9 1/2 months serving as a missionary nurse in the jungles of Peru. I have so many pictures and stories to tell I cannot even begin to write in this letter! I will always have a piece of Peru in my heart! I miss it sometimes.

Got back about a month ago and I feel I've just been running ever since! The Lord blessed me with a job almost instantly at Erlanger hospital in Chattanooga. Friday is my last day of hospital orientation.Taking a class online, unpacking, and just trying to get adjusted to busy life in America. I was able to see my family for two weeks in San Diego and in British Columbia before coming back to Tennessee.

My prayer before I left Peru was, "Lord help me to continue to be a missionary! Though it has been busy, God has continued to answer my prayer and give me opportunities to witness for Him! Many of you are still out in the mission field. I want you to know I'm praying for you each day! And to those of you who are here in the states, this is the mission field as well! I want to challenge you as well as myself to talk about your best friend who loved you so much that He died so that He wouldn't have to live without you in heaven. Jesus is coming so very soon! Let us remember the words to this old song, "this world is not my home, I'm just a passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue..."!

Jesus says, "behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" (Rev. 22:12, KJV). Let's all be ready to meet Him!

God Bless Each One of You as You Serve Him!


Linda Ferguson

PS (Feel free to write, call, etc-I'd love to here from you! Need to get caught up with life since I've been gone!)

Linda's Contact Info:

5456 Whisper Pond Ln
Apison, Tn 37302
